Dow joins HEH consortium for Stade LNG terminal

Dynagas FSRU reaches Bremerhaven to prepare for Stade LNG job

Business Developments & Projects

According to Hanseatic Energy Hub (HEH), the floating LNG terminal Transgas Force has arrived in Bremerhaven, Germany, and is now being prepared for the energy port in Stade.

Illustration; Archive; Courtesy of Hanseatic Energy Hub (HEH)

HEH announced the news on its social media, noting that the FSRU, chartered by the German government, is an important building block for ensuring energy supplies in Germany in the short term.

It also informed that, in parallel with the FSRU job, it will be pushing full steam ahead with the expansion of the land-based zero-emission terminal, which will replace the FRSU from 2027.

“Germany needs a future-flexible energy infrastructure to drive the transformation of our energy supply sustainably and reliably,” HEH stated.

To remind, Transgas Force is an FSRU chartered from the Greek shipping company Dynagas.

It has a regasification capacity of up to 7,5 billion cubic meters per year, and as mentioned above, it is planned to be replaced with a land-based terminal, which is expected to secure Germany’s supply of LNG and green gases and prepare the market for the ramp-up of hydrogen.

Once the terminal is completed, the regasification capacity is expected to increase to 13 billion cubic meters per year.


In June this year, HEH selected Enagás, a Spanish transmission system operator (TSO), as its industrial partner for the operation of the terminal in Stade, and in April, a consortium led by EPC specialist Técnicas Reunidas was commissioned to develop the land-based terminal, subject to HEH’s final investment decision (FID).

The FID is expected to be taken in summer 2023 and the projected investment volume for the terminal is around €1 billion.


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