Dutch Prepare to Study Borssele Offshore Wind Site

Research & Development

On October 24, the Concept Scoping Report for the Dutch offshore wind site off the town of Borssele was published for public consultation.

This concept scoping report has been prepared by Pondera Consult and Grontmij and describes what the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will examine.

The objective of the EIA is to accurately describe the environmental impact of the construction of offshore wind turbines in two lots within the preferred wind development area “Borssele”, an area 12 nautical miles off the coast of the province of Zeeland.

On September 26, the Dutch government has announced that it had chosen three areas at sea where wind farms can be developed in the coming years. The government identified offshore wind areas off Borssele and off the coasts of South Holland and North Holland.

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Source: Pondera Consult