Dutch and Japanese companies look into Rotterdam hydrogen importing

Dutch and Japanese companies look into hydrogen importing

Outlook & Strategy

Port of Rotterdam Authority, Koole Terminals, Chiyoda Corporation, and Mitsubishi Corporation have agreed to conduct a joint study of importing commercial-scale hydrogen using Chiyoda’s technology SPERA Hydrogen.

Courtesy of Port of Rotterdam
Dutch and Japanese companies look into Rotterdam hydrogen importing
Courtesy of Port of Rotterdam

This Japanese-Dutch consortium signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to conduct a joint study on the large-scale import of hydrogen.

The roles of the companies are as follow:

  • The Port of Rotterdam Authority will provide a matchmaking role for major hydrogen end-users in Northwest Europe and overseas hydrogen suppliers and support for materializing the project;
  • Koole Terminals will pursue ways to innovate its terminal facilities and support the development of onward transport to their end-users;
  • Chiyoda Corporation will be the technology provider for the project;
  • Mitsubishi Corporation will lead the commercial development of the project to make the overall hydrogen supply chain commercially viable.

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The feasibility study is set to last for one year. The goal is to import 100,000 to 200,000 tonnes per year of hydrogen in 2025 and 300,000 to 400,000 tonnes per year in 2030.

Hydrogen would be imported from overseas sources to one of Dutch logistics company Koole’s terminals in the port of Rotterdam.

Dutch and Japanese companies look into Rotterdam hydrogen importing
A scheme of the production and transport process; Courtesy of Chiyoda

Japanese engineering company Chiyoda’s hydrogen storage and transportation technology SPERA Hydrogen will play a major role in achieving import goals set by the Port of Rotterdam and also contribute to global carbon neutrality by 2050.

This liquid organic hydrogen carrier technology guarantees safe transportation of hydrogen in chemical tankers at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure.