Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Fully Commissioned, Starts Receiving CfD Payments

Business & Finance

The 402MW Dudgeon offshore wind farm entered full operation in October and has started receiving difference payments on generated electricity. 

Statoil announced at the beginning of September that all 67 Siemens 6MW turbines were producing electricity and that the project will be put into full operation later this year.

Following the testing of the last turbines, the wind farm was fully commissioned and has started delivering power to the grid.

Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) announced on 4 October that the final phase of the Dudgeon offshore wind farm has passed all of its Operational Conditions Precedent and has started to receive Contracts for Difference (CfD) payments from the earliest date it is entitled to do so
under the Phase 3 Investment Contract.

The project was completed at the agreed time and below the budget of GBP 1.5 billion that was set when the investment decision was made in 2014.