DTOceanPlus Calls for More Ideas

Research & Development

DTOceanPlus H2020 Project is looking to develop and demonstrate a suite of 2nd generation advanced design tools for the selection, development and deployment of ocean energy systems, aligning innovation and development processes with those used in mature engineering sectors.

The FP7 funded DTOcean project produced a first generation of freely available, open-source design tools for wave and tidal energy arrays. These tools have been used on leading tidal and wave energy projects.

The integrated tools will include the Logistics and Marine Operation Planning tools, which will be developed for designing logistics solutions, that meet the project requirements and optimize logistical costs associated with logistical infrastructure selection and operation scheduling. These tools will be demonstrated with real world technology deployment projects, providing support to relevant decision makers and stimulating the offshore renewable energy sector growth.

Development and validation of logistic tools for offshore operations planning of marine renewable energy systems projects.

The purpose of master thesis is to develop and validate a cost modelling tool for marine operations, contributing to the development of a decision support tool for marine operation planning:

1. Literature review of offshore marine operation requirements and weather window
2. Develop a cost-modelling tool to calculate port and vessel hiring costs for offshore
renewable energy projects;
3. Develop a tool for maintenance operation planning, taking into consideration
component reliability requirements;
4. Results validation with real data, namely from offshore wind projects.

During the development of this thesis it is expected that the candidate will submit a paper on a peer review journal.

The project is supervised by Prof. Rui Castro and co-supervised by Eng. Francisco Correia da Fonseca (WavEC)

The candidate should have a background in Engineering, capable of programming in Python and know-how in offshore operations for marine renewable energy.

Candidates should submit their applications by email to [email protected] until 28th February, addressed to Francisco Correia da Fonseca and include “Master Thesis application” in the subject line.