DSME baggs LNG carrier duo order

DSME bags LNG carrier duo order

DSME baggs LNG carrier duo order
Illustration purposes only (Image courtesy of DSME)

South Korea’s shipbuilding giant Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) scored an order for the construction of two liquefied natural gas carriers. 

Illustration purposes only (Image courtesy of DSME)

The company said in its statement on Friday that the pair of vessels has been ordered by a shipowner from the Americas, with a price tag of 446 billion South Korean won ($376.1 million)

Each of the vessels will be capable of transporting 174,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas with the delivery scheduled for end of September 2022.

DSME added that the vessels will feature ME-GI propulsion systems as well as the company’s full re-liquefaction system (FRS).

So far this year, DSME has booked orders worth $4.7 billion in total. This includes nine liquefied natural gas carriers, seven VLCCs, and four submarines reaching 51 percent of its $8.37 billion target set for the year.