DSIC progressing construction of CMES’ LNG carriers


China’s Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company (DSIC) is pressing on with the construction of 175,000 cubic meter LNG carriers ordered by compatriot China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES).

Courtesy of CCS

On December 8, DSIC said it had held a keel laying ceremony for the first ship in the joint project with CMES and China Classification Society (CCS). At the same time, steel cutting ceremony was held for the second ship in the project.

The LNG carriers in this series have a total length of 295 meters, a molded width of 46.4 meters, and a molded depth of 26.2 meters with a designed service speed of 19.5 knots.  The vessels will be capable of docking at most of the world’s large LNG shore stations, with excellent portability and ship-to-shore compatibility.

The cargo tank adopts the GTT Mark III Flex cargo containment system solution and is equipped with a reliquefaction device.

To remind, CMES placed an order for the first two LNG carriers at DSIC in September 2022. The companies disclosed at the time that the two newbuilds would be powered by LNG-fueled low-speed engines. The contract included options for another four vessels bringing the total up to six vessels. The two firm vessels are slated for delivery in 2026, while the delivery of the remaining four ships if ordered, would be spread across 2026 and 2027.

At the end of 2022, the shipping company revealed another order for two 175,000 cubic meter LNG carriers at DSIC.

CMES noted that the order was in line with the company’s development fleet strategy and expansion of low-carbon business and clean energy transportation.

In May 2023, the company signed contracts with DSIC for the construction of two LNG carriers and two Aframax crude oil tankers.

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