Dredging work at Port of Frederikshavn in full swing


The Port of Frederikshavn has just released these beautiful photos from their latest dredging program.

Port of Frederikshavn
Port of Frederikshavn photo

The dredging work is well in progress, the Port said in their project update.

The dredging is being done in connection with the establishment of the new quay facility by Østre Kaj, deepening the area to 9.5 meters.

Port of Frederikshavn photo

The Port of Frederikshavn is one of the most important commercial harbors in Denmark today.

The port is among the ten largest in Denmark and includes a traffic harbor, a ferry harbor and a versatile service industry.

It is a modern, centrally located, commercial port with good facilities and a service set-up, which ensures fast and efficient handling of ships and cargo.

The port has an ambitious investment plan and a clear strategy to offer the best facilities and world caliber maritime services – now and in the future.