Dominion Diving Secures Contract to Upgrade Naval Floating Force Protection Boom (Canada)

Business & Finance

Dominion Diving has been award a contract by Worthington Products Inc. to upgrade the Floating Force Protection Boom surrounding the Navy Dockyard.

Dominion Diving will be involved with the complete fabrication and installation of a subsea vessel entrance gate for the Floating Force Protection Boom. The gate which lay 15 ft below surface, has been specially designed to allow quick and efficient access to the Navy Dockyard. The work will require the removal of 5 boom segments, fabrication/installation of the gate and transporting the unit to the Dockyard.

The project is set to be completed by March 2011.

About Dominion Diving:

With over 40 years experience in the marine industry, both inshore and offshore, Dominion Diving has become one of the largest diving and ROV contractors in Canada, serving the marine, scientific & offshore oil and gas industry since 1969. Dominion Diving has in house qualified personnel and equipment to provide major offshore Oil & Gas contractors world class service.

Source: dominiondiving, March 25, 2011;