Dolphin hired for 16-streamer seismic survey in Kara Sea

Business & Finance

Dolphin Group ASA has been awarded an industry first ever 16-streamer 3D seismic contract for an undisclosed client in the Kara Sea, offshore Russia.

Dolphin hired for 16-streamer seismic survey in Kara Sea

The contract has a duration of approximately 3 months and will start in Q2 of 2015.

“Dolphin will utilise one of the high capacity ice classed 3D seismic vessels for the survey and fully take advantage of our wide-tow and powerful solution capabilities towing a large 16 streamer configuration with 100 meters separation, which will enable our client to acquire their large seismic program in a short time frame,” explained Dolphin in the statement.

Dolphin Group ASA is the parent company of Dolphin Geophysical AS, a global full-range, asset light supplier of marine geophysical services.


Press Release, September 05, 2014