DNV GL to Certify Elia-50Hertz Offshore Platform Works
Elia and 50Hertz have awarded DNV GL with a contract for certification and monitoring services for the offshore platforms that will be part of offshore grid connection projects in Belgium and Germany.

Under the contract, the company will provide the services for offshore grid connections in the Belgian part of the North Sea (Elia) and in German sector of the Baltic Sea (50Hertz).
DNV GL’ job will include certification of seabed surveys for platform locations, as well as certification of the conceptual design for a standardised platform and the basic design for specific platforms and substructures.
The company will also certify the detailed designs of substructures and platforms including all equipment, and will supervise their fabrication and offshore installation, including hook-up operations.
According to Elia and 50Hertz, the contract, which was awarded for a duration of eight years under this tender, could be novated to the platform fabrication/EPCI contractor for the delivery phase of the project.
The transmission system operators (TSOs) opened the tendering procedure for these services this spring.
For offshore platforms, the TSOs issued a call for tenders in the second half of August. Open until 15 October, the tender seeks the design, manufacturing, factory testing, supply, delivery, unloading, installation, on-site testing, commissioning and after-sales servicing of power transformers, shunt reactors and auxiliary and earthing transformers.
Earlier that month, Elia and 50Hertz launched a tender to enter framework agreements for offshore and onshore substations, offshore and onshore cable supply and installation, as well as supervision services for UXO, survey, dredging and construction works in Belgium and Germany.
NOTE: This article was updated on 5 October to state that DNV GL will provide the certification services, instead of Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services, DNV GL’s legal entity name in Germany.