
DNV GL, Alpha Ori to jointly support digital transformation in shipping


Classification society DNV GL and technology company Alpha Ori Technologies (AOT) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in which they agree to work together to contribute to the marine industry’s ongoing digital transformation.

As explained, the industry can benefit from digital technologies in a way that can have “an immediate and transformative” impact on design, operations, business models and environment.

The MOU will also see the companies work together to unlock the benefits of new digital technologies and methods, including sharing data collaboratively and the creation of frameworks and standards, to develop new and enhance existing products and services.

Specifically, the MOU is based around the installation of Alpha Ori’s SMARTShip systems, piloting the use of digital technologies to further enhance the relationship between ship operator and class.

The duo has already identified potential areas for exploration which include data exchange for digital class services, possibilities for continuous assurance and remote operations and monitoring.

“There is a tremendous opportunity for the shipping industry to improve the way it works,” Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Chairman of BW Group and BW LPG, said.

“For those who are interested in cost savings on fuel and maintenance, good technology is critical: even the most brilliant captain cannot see every change in the weather; even the most brilliant chief engineer cannot hear every problem in the machinery.”

“For those who are interested in staying ahead of changing environmental legislation and the related cost of financing, automated measurements will provide an indispensable edge. And for those looking to reduce the cost and challenge of physical inspections and service – even in calmer times where there are no restrictions on mobility – digital solutions provide an answer. Smart use of these systems will gradually separate the winners from the losers, and it is encouraging to see … players like DNV GL and AOT collaborate to accelerate this development,” he added.

“By deploying AOT’s SMARTShip application on a vessel, surveyors can access real-time data,” Capt. Rajesh Unni, Co-CEO of AOT, explained.

“The resulting advantage is that one can remotely access the health of a vessel and verify whether a ship is compliant with IMO 2020 and other regulatory requirements. This digital approach is reliable, efficient, and can improve savings.”

“By working together with … technology solution providers, alongside owners and operators, we can unlock broader maritime digitalisation and build on the value these new technologies generate,” Cristina Saenz de Santa Maria, Regional Manager for South East Asia, Pacific & India at DNV GL Maritime, commented.

As the MOU implementation continues, the partners will look to cover many of the most important emerging areas for maritime digitalization, including remote monitoring and operations, the digital supply chain and predictive maintenance systems.