DNV confirms feasibility of C-Power’s ocean energy systems
U.S.-based marine energy company C-Power’s SeaRAY ocean energy system has secured a statement of feasibility from third-party verifier DNV, paving the way for its deployment at PacWave South, located off the Oregon coast, in 2025.

C-Power’s CTO, Ryan Calder said: “Third-party qualification milestones go a long way toward building confidence in what we are doing and in the industry as a whole.”
According to C-Power, this achievement marks progress for the company, as the SeaRAY system, designed for low-power offshore energy needs, and its high-power counterpart, StingRAY, have received similar feasibility statements from DNV. The next step in the SeaRAY’s journey will be obtaining a statement of qualified technology for the Oregon deployment.
According to DNV’s Statement of Feasibility, the organization has verified key areas, including the Certification Basis, Technology Assessment, Failure Mode Identification, and Selection of Qualification Methods. DNV also evaluated the technology’s main challenges as outlined in the Qualification Report.
The SeaRAY system has been deemed feasible and suitable for further development and qualification in accordance with DNV-SE-0160 and the established Qualification Plan. Any modifications to the technology will require DNV approval.
The SeaRAY autonomous offshore power system (AOPS) offers power, energy storage, and real-time communications for autonomous and connected ocean technologies. It supports uncrewed offshore activities and equipment, such as subsea vehicles, sensor packages, and operating equipment.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office recently granted the C-Power a patent for its SeaRAY ocean energy converter. According to C-Power, the patent, which stems from a customer-driven design process, validates the SeaRAY technology as a unique innovation in the ocean energy space.
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Certification & Classification
In terms of other recent news coming from C-Power, the U.S. company got a new compatriot partner, Tiburon Subsea, a subsea data collection and delivery provider, that joined the partner engagement and co-development (PEC) program to handle subsea data collection for the upcoming SeaRAY ocean energy system demonstration.