Deutsche ReGas: Mukran LNG capacity fully booked

Business Developments & Projects

Germany’s Deutsche ReGas has completed the procedure for the allocation of long-term regasification capacity for the planned floating LNG terminal in the port of Mukran.

Illustration only; Archive. Courtesy of Deutsche ReGas

The company said the procedure was completed on 7 August and the offered capacity of 4 billion cubic meters (bcm) for a period of 10 years was fully booked.

The conclusion of the binding open season is part of the second phase of the Deutsche Ostsee energy terminal at Mukran port on Rügen island.

According to a statement by Stephan Knabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche ReGas, the company observed a strong response from customers from Germany and its neighbouring Eastern European countries, showing that they rely on the security of supply via energy terminal in Mukran.

The company intends to offer the remaining booking quantities at a later date as part of further allocation processes, in particular for capacities that can be booked at short notice.

Deutsche ReGas currently operates Germany’s first and so far only privately financed, floating LNG terminal in Lubmin. The 5.2 bcm facility is served by the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Neptune, which was chartered from French energy major TotalEnergies. The FSRU has been in operation since January 2023.

However, the German Environmental Aid (Deutsche Umwelthilfe – DUH) recently filed a lawsuit against the operation of the LNG terminal ship Neptune in Lubmin on the Baltic Sea as it considers it illegal.

With the lawsuit at the Federal Administrative Court, DUH is demanding that Deutsche ReGas revoke the license granted by the State Office for Agriculture and the Environment in Western Pomerania for the operation of the terminal.


Meanwhile, as part of the second phase of the project, Deutsche Regas plans to deploy the Dynagas-owned 174,000 m3 FSRU Transgas Power in the port of Mukran where FSRU Neptune will also be moved later this year.

The LNG will be regasified in Mukran and transported to Lubmin via a pipeline yet to be built by Gascade.

Once operational, a total of up to 13.5 bcm of natural gas can be fed into the German long-distance gas pipeline network via the Mukran energy terminal, Deutsche ReGas noted.

In addition to the LNG terminal, the company plans to install hydrogen electrolyser starting from 2026 and create infrastructure for hydrogen imports from 2027/28.

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