Denmark and Turkey Sign Offshore Wind Agreement

Authorities & Government

Denmark and Turkey have signed an agreement to extend their existing energy cooperation to include offshore wind.

Denmark and Turkey Sign Offshore Wind Agreement
Source: Danish Energy Agency

The new bilateral agreement focuses on the Roadmap for Offshore Wind in Turkey and builds on the collaboration the two countries established in 2017 to support the green transition of the Turkish heating sector.

Danish Ambassador to Turkey Svend Olling and Turkey’s Director of the General Directorate of Energy Affairs Murat Zekeriya Aydin signed the extension deal on 19 March.

Under the Strategic Sector Cooperation, Denmark will assist the Turkish authorities in developing the framework conditions that would contribute to realizing the country’s offshore wind ambitions.

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) said it will help in the development of relevant policies, strategies and solutions based on the Danish experience, which will in particular concern the approach to planning and the supply of projects.

“The Turkish authorities have requested an extension of our existing energy cooperation, and we see this as a recognition of the cooperation and confidence so far with the Danish Energy Agency,” said DEA Deputy Director General Martin Hansen.