Denmark Surveys Nearshore Wind Tender Sites

Authorities & Government

Denmark has completed the geotechnical surveys for the upcoming 350 MW nearshore wind tender.

Danish TSO,, was in charge of conducting the surveys, while the Danish Energy Agency will present the findings on 27 November. has also released the cost projections for the preliminary investigations at the six sites to be paid by the concession winner of the sites.

The cost projections are DKK 23.3 million for Bornholm and Sæby, DKK 23.8 million for Vesterhav Syd, DKK 24.1 million for Sejerøbugten, DKK 25.6 million for Smålandsfarvandet and DKK 26.1 for Vesterhav Nord.

According to the company, the final costs will be published in the fall of 2015.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: ens