Denmark and Germany agree to cooperate on offshore wind and energy hubs

Authorities & Government

Denmark and Germany have entered into an agreement to strengthen their cooperation on offshore wind and innovative energy hubs.


The agreement is the starting point for further cooperation to explore the design of possible joint projects, and in this context, cooperation on the energy hubs in the North and Baltic Seas will be discussed.

Additionally, the possibility to use the electricity from the offshore wind turbines for renewable hydrogen production will also be explored.

In this way, the parties say they take an important step to fulfill the ambition enshrined in the EU’s Offshore Strategy on Renewable Energy to quintuple the capacity to 60 GW in 2030 and again to 300 GW in 2050.

“Joint offshore wind projects will make an important contribution on the way towards a climate-neutral Europe and are therefore a priority of the German EU Council Presidency. Now we must identify and promote concrete projects together with our neighbours, said Germany’s Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier.

For me, it is important to have framework conditions that ensure that both countries benefit from cooperation. Joint offshore wind projects can also facilitate synergies for the development of green hydrogen.”

Denmark plans to build two energy hubs in 2030 with a combined minimum capacity of 5 GW. In the long term, the plan is to establish energy hubs with a total capacity of 12 GW of offshore wind energy in the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

To remind, Denmark and Germany are connected through the Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (CGS), which was launched in October.