DEME’s Orion Sails to Europe for Final Outfitting

Business & Finance

DEME’s new offshore installation vessel ‘Orion’ is on the way to Europe for the final construction phase.

Photo: DEME

In a few weeks Orion will arrive in Rostock, Germany where it will be equipped with a Liebherr crane with a lifting capacity of 5,000 tonnes.

The vessel was launched in November last year at the COSCO Qidong shipyard in China.

Orion’s maiden project will be for the construction of the offshore wind farm. It was also built to service the oil and gas industry and for the decommissioning of offshore installations.

According to DEME, Orion can take the heaviest monopiles, jackets, wind turbine components and structures in a single shipment, and can transport and install the next generation of multi-megawatt wind turbines..

The vessel has dual fuel engines and can run on liquefied natural gas (LNG). It will have a Green Passport and Clean Design notation.

At 216.5 meters long, the DP3 vessel is expected to join the fleet at the end of 2019.