DEME to Link Neart na Gaoithe OWF Turbines

Business & Finance

DEME Offshore has been awarded an EPCI contract for the inter-array and interconnector cables at the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm in Scotland.

The scope includes the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation of the subsea cables for the 450 MW capacity wind farm, with execution expected in 2021.

The 450 MW Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm, owned by EDF Renewables UK, will be located 15.5 kilometers off the east coast of Fife in Scotland and covers an area of approximately 105 square kilometers. Water depths for the installation range between 45 and 55 meters.

The layout will include 54 8MW wind turbine generators (WTG), distributed across 12 array strings, each connected via dedicated 66 kV inter-array cables. The 6 array loops will be connected to the two Offshore Substations (OSS), with three array loops to each OSS and an interconnector between the OSSs.

Engineering activities have already kicked off in order to meet the required project milestones.