DEME Picks Moray East Tier 1 Foundation Suppliers

Project & Tenders

DEME Offshore, previously GeoSea, has selected tier 1 suppliers for the foundations of the Moray East offshore wind project in the UK.

According to DEME, Smulders will carry out a major part of the fabrication works on 55 of 100 jackets in Newcastle, including all final assembly, with Lamprell producing the remaining 45.

The balance of the jackets will be conducted by the Dubai-based Rig Metals, part of the Lamprell Group, and then shipped and offloaded to northern Scottish ports.

BiFab will manufacture 150 pin piles, with the remaining set to be produced by EEW. Granada will supply more than 100 offshore cranes for the 950MW project.

The offshore installation work will be carried out from northern Scottish ports, including the Port of Invergordon, which will act as a staging facility under a multi-million-pound contract. PSG Marine & Logistics Ltd will manage the onshore handling works at the Invergordon marshaling harbor.

As reported earlier, the Port of Cromarty Firth will be used as an intermediate one during the project construction.

“We are pleased to announce that after a long and carefully executed procurement process we have been able to award a significant amount of work to both the Scottish and English supply chain,” said Jan Klaassen, DEME’s Business Unit Manager Offshore Renewables.

“This major project achievement will also help us to expand our footprint in the UK, particularly in Scotland. We are very thankful for the support provided by the UK and Scottish government departments while conducting this procurement process.”

DEME Offshore and Smulders will organize tier 2 local supply chain workshops in the coming months to identify and contract other work packages with local suppliers.

Back in October 2017, DEME won the EPCI contract for the project’s turbine foundations and three offshore substation foundations. The company will also transport and install the three OSS topsides at the offshore site.

The developer, Moray Offshore Windfarm East, plans to have the project’s 100 MHI Vestas 9.5MW wind turbines commissioned in 2022.