DEME Completes SeaMade Wind Farm Export Cable Pull-In

Operations & Maintenance

DEME Group has completed the export cable pull-in at the SeaMade offshore wind project into Elia’s Offshore Switch Yard (OSY) platform. 

DEME’s cable installation vessel ‘Living Stone’ was used for the pull-in work off the Belgian coast.

Electricity generated by the SeaMade wind farm will be transmitted to shore via the OSY platform.

Tideway, part of DEME Offshore, in a consortium with Hellenic Cables, is responsible for the export cable design, manufacturing and installation operations, and for connecting the wind farms two high voltage substations to the Elia’s Modular Offshore Grid (MOG).

SeaMade stands for a combination of two offshore wind projects in Belgium, previously known as Mermaid (235 MW) and Seastar (252 MW). The project will include 58 wind turbines and will be located 40-50 km off the coast from Ostend.