Deep Green tidal plant to power Wales

Business & Finance

Anders Jansson, Minesto’s founder and CEO, has given insights on Minesto’s Deep Green technology gained through trials performed in Strangford Lough, in an article published on Minesto’s official website where he also announced plans for a tidal power plant in Wales.

Deep Green technology produces electricity when the water current creates a hydrodynamic lift force on the wing which pushes the kite forward.

The fall of 2013 was the first time Deep Green technology designed for low velocity currents produced electricity at sea testing.

Since then, the quarter scale Deep Green has been operational and has produced electricity.

According to Anders Jansson, the Minesto Deep Green power plant has now achieved performance comparable to producing electricity at the same cost as offshore wind.

“The next step for Deep Green is the installation of the commercial scale, 0.5 MW power plant off the coast of Wales in 2017. The installation in Wales will be successively extended to a 10 MW array, which will have the potential to deliver power to over 8,000 Welsh households. The installation site is located off the Holyhead Island in Anglesey, Wales,” Anders Jansson stated in the article.

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Image: Minesto