Decommissioning Leadership Group Established to Shape Sector’s Future

Research & Development

Industry leaders have formed the Decommissioning Leadership Group (DLG) to shape the future of decommissioning, Decom North Sea informed.

The DLG held its inaugural meeting in Aberdeen in June with the mission to set out a strategy for leading the development of an efficient and effective oil and gas decommissioning sector.

The DLG will also lead the strategy, direction and agenda of Decom North Sea, ensuring a continued connection to its members.

Nigel Lees, chairman for Decom North Sea said: “The formation of the DLG marks the beginning of a new and exciting chapter for Decom North Sea.  Not only does it provide a forum for greater connection with our members and stakeholders, it also provides a foundation for us to identify and collectively work on our industry challenges. There was great energy in the room and I am confident that the momentum will continue as we work through the topics of interest identified today.”

The DLG comprises of circa 50 individuals, the majority of which are elected Decom North Sea members representing a complete cross section of the sector, plus representation from key stakeholders within the industry.

DLG member Jinda Nelson, Bilfinger Salamis UK Limited, said: “The face of decommissioning is changing extremely quickly and it’s imperative that we are ready to make the most of the opportunities when they arise. The members of the DLG, with their vast experience and knowledge of the industry, will be an important part of this process.”

DLG member Stuart Martin, Ardent, added: “My hope for the DLG is that we can become a centre for excellence in Aberdeen, the UK and globally.  There is currently no recognized best practice within the industry. Through recognizing the lessons learnt from experience, I believe the DLG is perfectly placed to lead the way.”

Roger Esson, Decommissioning Solution Centre manager at The Oil & Gas Technology Centre added: “The DLG has representation from many different organisations within the decommissioning sector, so this is a great opportunity to avoid duplication of effort and create some joined up thinking.”