Decom North Sea collaborates with DARe in Brunei

Business Developments & Projects

Decom North Sea (DNS) has created an agreement designed to deliver a mutually beneficial relationship between its members and Brunei’s growing late life & decommissioning sector.

Will Rowley

Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) was created to support the growth of small and medium Brunei local enterprises, and as the Southeast Asian offshore industry’s late life and decommissioning phase begins to gather pace.

The agreement reflects the ongoing strategy, led by its Decommissioning Leadership Group, to internationalise the knowledge and skills of its supply chain member companies.

Will Rowley, interim managing director of Decom North Sea said: “The UK North Sea is widely acknowledged to hold some of the most developed late life and decommissioning experience available. Consequently, there is significant opportunity for the UK decommissioning sector to apply that capability on a global level; this is embodied by our collaboration with DARe.

“By sharing DNS’ unique tools, experience and capabilities, our support will enable DARe to better understand and develop its local late-life and decommissioning supply chain. In exchange, DARe will allow DNS to establish potential platforms for further development in Brunei and the Southeast Asian region. This in turn will create valuable relationships between those DNS members who seek export development opportunities in the region and Brunei-based companies currently – and prospectively – active in the sector.”

Javed Ahmad, CEO of DAre added: “DARe is continuously seeking partners to help build the capabilities of our Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). With its vast experience and capabilities in the D&R industry we believe DNS is an ideal partner, and we are optimistic that this collaboration will create new opportunities for its members and Brunei MSMEs to leverage, both within Brunei Darussalam and beyond.”