Date set for Dogger Bank A export cable pre-lay survey

Operations & Maintenance

Survey vessel Geo Ranger is set to begin a geophysical pre-lay survey along the export cable corridor at the Dogger Bank A offshore wind project in mid-March.

Credits to KIS-ORCA
Date set for Dogger Bank A export cable pre-lay survey
Credits to KIS-ORCA

The activities are planned to begin on 13 March and end on approximately 18 March. They will be carried out on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day.

The geophysical survey includes the acquisition of high-resolution hull-mounted multi-beam echo sounder data and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) visual inspections of pipeline crossings and targets of potential interest.

The extent of the planned pre-lay survey is -/+100 meters on either side of the route, however a wider working area (+/-450 meters on either side of the route) is expected to account for turning radius, pipeline crossings, approaches to the nearshore and offshore platform locations.

Located more than 130 kilometers off the North East Coast of England, Dogger Bank Wind Farm is being developed in three phases – Dogger Bank A, B, and C – and each phase will have an installed generation capacity of up to 1.2 GW.

NKT is in charge of delivering the export cables for all three project phases.