Danish Govt Funds New LORC Turbine Testing Facilities

Authorities & Government

The Danish government has allocated DKK 50 million (circa EUR 6.7 million) for new wind turbine testing facilities at the Lindø Offshore Renewables Center (LORC).

According to the government, the award will contribute to the establishment of testing facilities for 16MW turbines, which will overall cost approximately DKK 300 million.

The Danish Export Credit Agency (EKF), Nordea, Vækstfonden and the Danish Green Investment Fund will co-finance the facilities, while the operation will be covered by the users.

The government said that the grant is the largest ever to be awarded for the Danish wind turbine industry and the 600-800t nacelles set to be tested are also the country’s largest to date.

Denmark’s Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate Lars Chr. Lilleholt believes that the work due to take place is in the interest of the nation when it comes to climate, export opportunities and renewable energy jobs.

“The Danish wind turbine industry literally takes some huge steps for our green transition and at the same time helps to draw large investments to Denmark. Therefore, in the government, we have decided to support the new testing facilities at LORC with DKK 50 million,” Lilleholt said.

LORC is a non-profit commercial foundation established in 2009 by A.P. Møller – Mærsk, Siemens Gamesa, Ørsted, Vattenfall, Vestas Wind Systems, Wave Star and the University of Southern Denmark.

Its objective is to promote innovation in the offshore renewable energy sector contributing to the lowering of the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) and making renewable energy viable offshore.