Danes seek input for proposed offshore wind duo


The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) is inviting input for the environmental impact report (EIR) that will be prepared for the Aflandshage and Nordre Flint offshore wind projects.


DEA is inviting the public and relevant authorities to submit ideas and proposals for the two projects developed by Greater Copenhagen Utility (HOFOR) no later than 18 November.

In March, the Danish agency granted permission to HOFOR to conduct preliminary studies for the establishment of the two offshore wind farms in Øresund (the Sound).

The results of the feasibility studies will be compiled in the EIR, which must be submitted to the DEA by 31 December 2020.

The 160MW Nordre Flint project would comprise between 16 and 40 turbines with an individual capacity of between 4 -10MW. The total feasibility study area is circa 42km2, of which the potential area for offshore wind turbines amounts to approximately 17km2.

The Aflandshage project would comprise 25-63 turbines with an installed capacity of 250MW. The turbines would again have the individual capacity of 4-10MW. The total feasibility study area is approximately 65km2, of which the potential area for offshore wind turbines is approximately 44km2.