Damen delivers eco-friendly tug to Trinidad & Tobago’s NEC


Dutch shipbuilder Damen has delivered new eco-friendly ASD Tug 2811 to National Energy Corporation (NEC), a subsidiary of the state-owned National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago.


ASD Tug 2811, named National Energy Resilience in recognition of the role it will play in delivering low-emission towage, has been fitted with Damen Triton, Damen’s in-house remote monitoring software. Triton gathers data from across the vessel and analyses it to deliver valuable insights into efficiency and operability to owners and operators via its web-based platform.

For NEC, this will include insights into fuel consumption and CO₂, NOx and CO₂e emissions. Combining this data with its operational profile will allow NEC to optimize the vessel’s operating profile, potentially reducing fuel consumption by up to 15-20%.

Furthermore, NEC has opted for installation of installed a class certified Damen Marine NOx Reduction System to make it IMO Tier III compliant.

While this is not a requirement in the Caribbean Sea yet, it is in full alignment with NEC’s commitment to promoting sustainability in the local and regional energy sectors.

NEC is making the purchase in response to the increase in oil & gas exploration and production in the waters of the southern Caribbean, with its duties including rig relocation and other offshore operations.

“We are delighted that National Energy Corporation has chosen a next-generation ASD Tug 2811 complete with a Damen Marine NOx Reduction System…. The choice for this vessel and the message that NEC has given with this purchase will set the tone for the years to come in the region,” Bram van der Plas, Damen Area Manager Caribbean, stated.