Damen Completes TSHD Arco Dijk Maintenance Work

Business & Finance
Image source: Damen

The trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Arco Dijk of Hanson Aggregate Marine has completed its maintenance stop-over at Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam.

Image source: Damen

“Whilst the vessel was in dock we performed a big range of maintenance works of which an extensive tail shaft overhaul, various dredge pipe renewal and repainting her with a new coat, getting her ready for her future deliveries in the North Sea,” said Damen in their announcement.

Hanson Aggregate Marine is Europe’s largest producer of marine-dredged sand and gravel, supplying to a network of wharves in the UK and mainland Europe.

They operate a fleet of purpose-built trailing suction hopper dredgers, which vary in size from 1,300 to 5,500 gross tonnes and are designed to extract sand and gravel from the seabed at depths of up to 50 meters.