
Damen and MO4 pair up for offshore wind vessel digitalization

Business & Finance

Damen Shipyards Group has partnered with MO4 to pair its Triton monitoring platform with MO4 motion forecasting service for the offshore wind sector.


This strategic alliance aims to offer data analytics-based services, expected to make vessel operations more effective and safety levels to increase.

MO4 and Damen saw the opportunity to integrate the motion forecasting service with the Triton platform resulting in a single, secured vessel connection supporting motion-based applications.

The idea was to harvest the operational data via Damen Triton in order to feed MO4’s analysis.

For the motion forecasting service MO4 has set-up a vessel-specific digital twin, which considers parameters such as the DP system, maximum thrust, vessel motions in waves, wind and swell sea, and much more.

Relevant wave and weather information are added to give a clear impression of the performance of both vessel and crew in daily operation, Damen said.

“It is great to see that we can build our market propositions based on the connectivity of vessels enabled by Triton through partnering with experts in the field for niche-analyses that generate direct value to our customer,” said Roderick Buijs, Damen regional service manager.

“This alliance leads to better solutions for our clients at more competitive rates, whilst both contributing to Damen’s digitalisation ambition and encouraging the production of sustainable energy.”