Crown Estate Scotland Links Locals with Offshore Renewables

Research & Development

The Crown Estate Scotland has issued a new study said to help coastal and island communities across Scotland benefit from local offshore renewable energy solutions.

Carried out by Everoze, the study looked at six scenarios linked to a number of renewable technologies such as floating wind, wave, and tidal energy, aiming to provide a potential way forward to a more localized approach.

According to Crown Estate Scotland, the study also analyzed how the technologies could support the development of key industries, including whisky and salmon farming.

The findings and recommendations are said to emphasize the potential of Scotland’s coastal and island communities to benefit from renewable energy developments which are tailor-made for their locations.

It also includes a summary of how the public, private and community sectors can work together to bring down barriers to the development of local level offshore renewables, Crown Estate Scotland said.

“This study emphasises that even in Scotland’s most remote locations there could be opportunities to develop energy solutions,” said Colin Palmer, Head of Marine at Crown Estate Scotland.

“Providing the right technology can be matched to the right setting, there is huge potential for communities across Scotland to benefit from a wide range of technologies suited to their needs.”