ClassNK Helps Shipyards Comply with EEDI Requirements

Business & Finance

ClassNK has released the new PrimeShip-GREEN/MinPower software.

ClassNK Helps Shipyards Comply with EEDI Requirements

PrimeShip-GREEN/MinPower was developed to help shipyards comply with the EEDI requirements of the Amendment to MARPOL Annex VI by calculating minimum propulsion power requirements in compliance with the IMO 2013 Interim Guidelines for Determining Minimum Propulsion Power to Maintain the Manoeuvrability of Ships in Adverse Conditions.

To evaluate minimum propulsion power requirement, added resistance in irregular waves should be calculated based on ship’s Lines. Calculating added resistance in waves can be difficult especially at initial design stage. That is why ClassNK developed a simplified formula to calculate added resistance in waves using only basic information such as main ship specifications, allowing designers to easily evaluate the minimum propulsion power requirement for their ships.

In addition, ClassNK has released an updated version of the PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA software, which was initially released in June 2013 to provide shipyards with an easy means of calculating progressive speed trial analysis in compliance with the ISO 15016:2002 standard recognized in IMO guideline 2012 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Recently, a new draft of ISO 15016 was released. In order to support the industry’s smooth application of this future standard, ClassNK has released a new version of PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA to help familiarize users with the new software and future requirements of this draft.

PrimeShip-GREEN/MinPower and PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA are provided to shipyards free of charge.

ClassNK, April 15, 2014