CIPP picks potential operator for green ammonia export terminal in Brazil

Business Developments & Projects

Stolthaven Terminals, in cooperation with Global Energy Storage (GES), has been selected by the Port of Pecém Authority (CIPP) as the only “potential operator” to plan, design, build and operate a green ammonia terminal in Pecém, in the State of Ceará, Brazil.

Courtesy of Stolthaven Terminals

CIPP awarded the rights to the partnership between Stolthaven Terminals and GES after a 15-month tender process involving several other global storage providers.

During the next phase of the project, and with the involvement of CIPP and the ammonia producers, the basic engineering of the terminal will be developed before confirmation of the official contract with CIPP.

According to the Stolthaven, the development of this terminal will serve the production of green hydrogen and its ammonia production exports.

Guy Bessant, President of Stolthaven Terminals, said: “My thanks to CIPP for awarding the tender to Stolthaven Terminals and our partner, GES. We look forward to working with GES, CIPP and our future potential customers in developing a world-class terminal which will be an integral part of the energy transition.”

Peter Vucins, CEO of GES, noted: “We are proud of the role we have played in this process. Our co-operation with Stolthaven Terminals has meant that we have jointly developed a fantastic solution for the Port of Pecém, which is also in line with our vision and how we operate our assets around the world.”

Stolthaven Terminals and GES agreed to form a partnership to develop and operate an export terminal for hydrogen and its derivatives in 2023.

In 2022, Stolthaven Terminals and the Pecém Industrial and Port Complex signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the study of the storage terminal in Pecém Port. At the time, it was reported that the terminal would focus on providing storage and handling services for green hydrogen and associated products.