CIC Changxing Shipyard Completes Repair Works for Vessel MV SANKO MAJESTY (China)

On February 26, 2012, CIC Changxing Shipyard completed a sound repair to MV SANKO MAJESTY. Steel renewal in DBT, crane foundation enhancement and hull coating constituted the major work scope.

When she arrived at the shipyard, the production department immediately went on-board for close inspection and arranged the tank cleaning as well. Being advised that No.2-7 hatch covers could not be opened simultaneously, the production department proposed to transfer 3 pcs. of hatch covers ashore in order that the work in all cargo holds could be started at the same pace. With owner’s consent, these 3 pcs. 110t. each hatch covers were removed ashore which significantly facilitated the simultaneous commencement of steel jobs in different double bottom tanks.

In the progress of steel renewal in the double bottom tanks, the workshop paid close attention upon the key areas and reported to the production department in time as they met problems. The production department immediately followed the case and communicated with the owners for a solution, thus ensured a smooth ship repair. For welding against water, the workshop strictly stuck to the principle that only fitting was permitted instead of welding. They managed to catch the time and complete all the fitting before her docking. Comprehensive workshop deployed enough labors to empty the double bottom tanks, providing the strongest back-up for a smooth repair progress.

During the vessel’s stay at the dock, the repair team speeded up the progress of the hull structure welding. Upon the completion, they carried out both self and mutual inspection and only on condition of a good quality had been verified that they would submit the job to the owner. Before the undocking, all steel jobs had been submitted to the owner’s acceptance.

Source: csgcic, March 12, 2012;