Chinese shipping giant expands its orderbook with 10 energy-efficient tankers


Chinese shipping heavyweight China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES) has ordered ten energy-efficient tankers from compatriot Dalian Shipbuilding Industry.


As disclosed, the shipowner opted for five 306,000-ton very large crude carriers (VLCC) and five 115,000-ton Aframax tankers. The shipbuilding contract was signed on August 16, 2024.

The VLCC will have a total length of about 333 meters and a beam of 60 meters. The ships, independently developed by Dalian Shipbuilding, are designed to meet the third stage of EEDI requirements.

Dalian Shipbuilding revealed that it has optimized the design of these ships based on the operating speed commonly used by shipowners and taking into account the improvement of the performance of ships.

The shipbuilder adopted an integrated design of energy-saving devices to pursue higher hydrodynamic performance and achieve the goal of energy-saving and consumption reduction.

Meanwhile, the series of Aframax tankers is designed for the needs of CMES, with a total length of about 243 meters and a beam of 44 meters. The vessels will feature energy-efficient technology to maximize efficiency.

The main engine and generator will be equipped with selective catalytic reduction reactors and scrubber technology to meet the environmental emission standards required for nitrogen oxides (NOx) ‌ and sulfur oxides (SOx) ‌introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

These new buildings are scheduled for delivery between 2027 and 2028.

The cooperation between Dalian Shipbuilding and China Merchants Energy Shipping dates back to 2007. Over the years, the shipbuilder secured contracts for 56 vessels of various types from CMES, with a combined deadweight tonnage of approximately 12.5 million tons.

In September last year, the partners penned a deal for the “world’s first” methanol dual-fuel VLCC. The delivery of the 306,000-ton vessel should be no later than April 2026, the company stated.

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