Centrica Energy Gets Go-Ahead for Norwegian Sea Drilling

Business & Finance

Centrica Energy has received consent to conduct exploration drilling in the Norwegian Sea using the West Alpha semisub.

The consent relates to the drilling of exploration well 6407/12-3, which is part of production license 470. The well is located about 126 kilometers north of Kristiansund and ten kilometers east of Draugen. The water depth at the site is 288 meters.

According to the application for consent, drilling starts in April/May 2010. The activity has an expected duration of 20 days.

Centrica plc  is a large multinational utility company, based in the United Kingdom but also with interests in North America and Europe. Centrica is the largest supplier of gas to domestic customers in the UK, and one of the largest suppliers of electricity, operating under the trading names “Scottish Gas” in Scotland and “British Gas” in the rest of the UK


Source: Centricaenergy,April 23, 2010;