Centerm Expansion Project Continues

Works are continuing on the Centerm Expansion Project and South Shore Access Project in Vancouver (BC), informs the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

As reported, dredging and infilling to create new land to the east of Centerm will continue up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a small exception—crews will take a holiday break from December 23 until December 27, 2019.
The officials also announced that the dyke east of Centerm is complete. Now the crews will build new land between Burrard Dock and Ballantyne Pier. This month, sand is being brought to the project site to fill the area.
Another in-water activity underway is construction of the southwest dyke. Silt curtains, used to contain dredged sediments within a specific area, will be installed this month.
The Centerm Expansion Project, performed by Centennial Expansion Partners (CXP), is anticipated to be complete by the end of 2021.