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Celsius Tech’s LNG fleet hits double-digit milestone

Business Developments & Projects

Celsius Tech Limited, the Hong Kong-based technical management arm of Danish shipowner Celsius, has taken delivery of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessel from South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI).

Celsius Granada inauguration event; Source: Celsius Tech Limited

Thanks to the addition of the Celsius Granada, the Celsius Tech-managed fleet now has ten LNG tankers, the company shared in a social media update. While vessel specifications have not been disclosed, this is presumably one of the five 180,000 cubic-meter (cbm) tankers SHI is building for the operator. Another five are being built by China Merchants Heavy Industries (CMHI).

The new tanker is said to represent the latest advancements in LNG transportation technology, reinforcing the Hong Kong-based player’s commitment to environmental stewardship and green energy.

Extending its gratitude to the crew, the firm expressed hope for the Celsius Granada team to continue delivering results under the leadership of Captain Nakul Kulkarni and Chief Engineer Saurabh.

Celsius recently hired French LNG containment specialist GTT to design the tanks of a 180,000-cbm LNG carrier, with delivery targeted for Q3 2027.

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