CCC Urges UK Prime Minister to Keep Offshore Wind Promise

Business & Finance

The UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has urged the recently elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson to deliver on the promised 40GW of offshore wind by 2030 commitment.

In their letter, CCC Chairman Lord Deben and Chair of the CCC’s Adaptation Committee Baroness Brown called on the Prime Minister to ensure that any market reforms are complementary to the UK’s net zero emissions goal.

The letter also provides the committee’s assessment of the priorities for the new government to reduce UK emissions and prepare for climate change.

“As host of next year’s UN Climate Summit in Glasgow, the steps we take in the next 12 months will also have a lasting global impact,” the Chairs wrote.

“In this Parliament, the UK must get on track to delivering Net Zero emissions, and adapt to the climate-related changes we are experiencing.”

According to CCC, the government’s actions in the coming year will define the UK’s response to the climate crisis.

Other priorities include developing an ongoing mechanism to pay for emissions reductions from industry and an approach to delivering hydrogen and CCS infrastructure, alongside the promised capital support.

To remind, Johnson announced in November he is pledging to increase the UK’s 2030 offshore wind target from the current 30GW to 40GW if his Conservative party wins the general election.

UK’s current target to have 30GW of connected capacity by 2030 was set with the launch of a new joint government-industry Offshore Wind Sector Deal this March.