Carnegie Wave Predictor tank trials

Carnegie wraps up ‘Wave Predictor’ tank trials in Spain

Research & Development

Australian developer Carnegie has completed wave tank testing campaign at the Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin (CCOB) in Spain.


The testing campaign, which kicked off on 13 July 2020, delivered over 200 wave tests.

Specifically, the tests covered a range of wave conditions, which reflect potential deployment sites for the CETO technology.

The campaign generated over 15 GB of physical data, which Carnegie will use to validate its machine learning Wave Predictor.

It will furthermore allow Carnegie’s analysis team not only to validate the tool, but also to optimise it more.

As with any sensor-measured information, the data generated at the CCOB includes noise and other “real world” imperfections, which the wave predictor needs to cope with to allow its use in the CETO control system and other industrial applications.

With this Carnegie should take a step beyond what had been achieved with numerical data, and make the tool ocean-ready.

Next steps

Early assessment has found the quality of the data is suitable to validate and optimise the Wave Predictor.

However, Carnegie said it will take several months to fully process the data and finalise the validation of the tool.

The Wave Predictor will also be integrated into CETO’s intelligent controller which is a future milestone on the ‘Digital Development Pathway‘.