Carnegie targets Seychelles

Authorities & Government

Carnegie Wave Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Republic of Seychelles to investigate wave and microgrid opportunities in the country.

The agreement focuses on identifying the opportunities and development pathways for commercial wave energy plants on the Seychelles, as well as potential microgrid opportunities that would enable CETO wave farms to be integrated into the existing power infrastructure to supply clean power and freshwater.

Carnegie’s Chief Operating Officer, Greg Allen, said: “Carnegie has identified remote islands as an attractive early market for the CETO technology. CETO, along with enabling micro grid solutions, can enable high penetration of renewable energy, displacing imported diesel. The signing of this MoU progresses the commercialisation of CETO in remote islands in parallel to mainland markets including the UK and Europe.”

The MOU was announced at the inaugural Indian Ocean Rim Association Ministerial Blue Economy Conference in Mauritius.

Carnegie Wave Energy is an Australian wave energy developer of CETO technology that has successfully connected an array of three CETO 5 wave energy devices to the Australian grid in February this year.

Image: Carnegie Wave