Carnegie identifies potential sites for CETO 6 project

Operations & Maintenance

Carnegie Wave Energy, an Australian wave energy developer, has completed the geophysical surveys and identified a number of feasible sites for the CETO 6 project.

The geophysical survey activities used a number of different methods, including single and multi-beam echo sounding, side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling to determine the composition and features of the seabed across the potential project sites, according to Carnegie Wave.

Benthic habitat mapping was also undertaken which showed the proposed CETO 6 sites were typical with those found on the western side of Garden Island.

The benthic habitat mapping results will feed directly into offshore work packages, such as foundation design.

The surveys and analysis work have allowed Carnegie, working with Marine GeoSolutions and RPS Energy, to identify a number of feasible sites for the CETO 6 Project within its offshore license area.

Bathymetry of CETO 6 geophysical survey area
Bathymetry of CETO 6 geophysical survey area


The survey results verified the expected seabed conditions of the potential project sites, allowing the Carnegie team to further progress project work packages such as unit foundations, electrical cable routes and unit installation methodology, Carnegie’s press release reads.

In addition to geophysical survey activities and ongoing stakeholder consultation for the CETO 6 project, Carnegie was also given the opportunity to take part in ARENA’s technology showcase, held at Parliament House, Canberra. The invitation-only showcase allowed Carnegie to provide an update on the CETO 6 project to members of Parliament and invited guests.

Images: Carnegie Wave Energy