Cable layer Responder

Cable layer Responder sinks after catching fire off South Korea


Cable laying ship Responder sank on the afternoon of September 12 Seoul time, west of southern tip of Tsushima island in East China sea off the coast of South Korea.

The ship went down after more than 12-hour long firefighting campaign.

According to local media reports, the sinking took place due to the flooding caused by the fire fighting on the deck of the cable layer.

Fortunately, there were no casualties or injures reported.

All 60 people on board evacuated to a nearby smaller cable laying ship, which was working in pair with the Responder.

The fire broke out early in the morning of September 11, Seoul time.

The fire was extinguished by, among others, Korean SAR and coast guard ships.

Built in 2000 by Volkswerft shipyard in Germany, the Responder sailed under South Korean flag – managed by subsea cables services firm KT Submarine.

Also formerly known as Maersk Responder, the vessel has a total length of 106 meters and a breadth of 20 meters.