Byron loads out SM71 platform & jacket ahead of departure to Gulf of Mexico
Oil and gas operator Byron Energy has moved the SM71 F platform jacket and decks for its SM71 development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico on to material barges.
The 350-US ton jacket and 600-US ton platform decks were moved on to the barges utilizing transporter trailers by Berard Transportation of New Iberia, Louisiana, Byron informed on Monday.
Byron is the operator of the South Marsh Island Block 71 with 50% working interest and Otto Energy holds the other 50% working interest.
Currently, welding crews are working to secure the items to the barges in anticipation of being towed to location at SM71 where installation will occur.
According to the operator, weather forecasts and equipment availability are favorable for a departure from Galveston in the middle of the week. Transit time to SM71 from Galveston is estimated to be 26 hours. The Tetra Hedron derrick barge is expected to meet the material barges on Friday, November 10 to begin installation.
First production in January
Once all barges and cargo are on location at SM71, the derrick barge will start operations to set the jacket and drive the pilings to secure it to the seafloor. After that step, the deck will be lifted in to position and welded in place on top of the jacket. Offshore installation operations are expected to take six days. Mobilization of the contracted Ensco 68 rig will occur for the drilling of the SM71 F2 well as sea conditions permit. First production from the SM71 F platform is currently expected by late January 2018 after completion operations on the SM 71 F1 and F2 wells.
Maynard V. Smith, Byron CEO, commented: “Berard Transportation has completed a very impressive, professional and safe operation in Galveston. Despite rainy conditions and tight working space, the load-out went according to plan. All that remains is to finish securing the jacket and decks. After that, loading and securing the jacket pilings and other ancillary equipment on a second barge will take place.
“Right now, all equipment to set the facility is available and Byron will mobilize the tugs and barges mid-week. The Tetra Technologies Hedron derrick barge will rendezvous with the barges at SM71 and the six-day operation to install the jacket and decks will commence. The Ensco 68 drilling rig will then mobilize to our location once work on the platform is complete and conditions are good to get on location over the platform.”
Byron also recently completed the installation of the 500 foot 4-inch oil and 7,000 foot 6-inch gas pipelines. Each pipeline has been laid and buried to within tie-in distance to the SM71 F platform location and their respective sales lines.
Otto’s Managing Director, Matthew Allen, said: “We now look forward to commencing drilling following installation and in particular testing the highly prospective B65 sand interval in the SM 71 F2 well which has the potential to double the field size.”