Byron Energy hits pay in Gulf of Mexico well

Project & Tenders

Byron Energy-operated SM58 011 well on the Cutthroat prospect in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico has encountered hydrocarbons in the target O Sand section and the company has decided to set casing at the depth of 10,890′ MD due to the substantial thickness of the pay zone.

Enterprise 263, formerly known as Hercules 263. Source: Enterprise Offshore

As previously reported, the Enterprise 263 jack-up drilling rig started drilling operations on the SM58 011 well, the company’s first test well on its recently acquired South Marsh Island 58 (SM58) block, on August 6, 2019.

The SM58 011 well was designed to test Byron’s Cutthroat Prospect, targeting the highly productive normally pressured O Sands which account for about half of the 35 million barrels of oil produced on SM58 since production began in 1964.

As of 1700 Hours US Central Daylight Time on August 25, 2019, the SM58 011 well has been drilled to a depth of 10,875 feet Measured Depth (MD), equivalent to 9.832 feet True Vertical Depth (TVD), and has encountered hydrocarbons in the target O Sand section, Byron said in a statement on Monday.

According to the company, the target O Sand was encountered at a depth of 10,435 feet MD (9,340 ND) in line with predrill expectations.

Logging While Drilling (LWD) Gamma Ray and Resistivity tools and Mudlog shows indicate the presence of hydrocarbons beginning at the top of the O Sand to the current drill depth of 10,875 feet MD. Preliminary pay counts based on LWD logs indicate a total of 300 feet MD (300 feet True Vertical Thickness) gross thickness of hydrocarbon with no evidence of water seen to this depth.

Based on LWD logs, the O Sand appears to be a very high quality and well developed reservoir, said Byron.

Upon reaching total depth of 11,466 feet MD (10,418 feet ND), the company will utilize Measurement After Drill (MADPASS) logging tools to acquire a quad combo suite of electrical logs (Gamma, Resistivity, Sonic, Neutron Porosity, and Density) across the O Sand interval which will aide in identifying the exact hydrocarbon type and liquids content.

The SM58 011 well is operated by Byron and will be drilled to a plan depth of 11,466 feet Measured Depth (MD) (10,418 feet true vertical depth).

Bryon’s CEO, Maynard Smith, said: “We are very enthused and excited by what we have seen thus far in the SM58 011 well and are confident that this result will lead to a commercial development on SM58. This result vindicates the high effort that was put into the seismic processing which was used to define and drill the Cutthroat Prospect.”


Casing to be set after pay found


In a subsequent statement released later on Monday, Byron said that, due to the substantial thickness of the pay zone encountered in the SM58 011, casing will be set at the depth of 10,890′ MD prior to drilling ahead to the planned total depth of 11,466′ MD to evaluate the lower O Sand.

The company explained that, due to the outstanding result achieved thus far in the SM58 011 well, it was decided to set casing across the very thick upper O Sand accumulation to ensure its protection and to optimize the cement job across the entire pay interval.

Prior to setting casing, the company will run a Measurement After Drill (MADPASS) set of logging tools to acquire a quad combo suite of electrical logs that will allow a thorough evaluation of the pay interval.

Maynard Smith said: “We look forward to getting the Upper O pay sand safely behind pipe, and as can be seen from the attachment, we still have a significant seismic target in the Lower O to drill. Certainly, the result that has been achieved at the 011 well will lower the risk and enhances the upside of our Steelhead prospect which will be drilled next year.”

The company will bear 100% of the cost of the SM58 011 well. Byron holds all the operator’s rights, title, and interest in and to the SM58 Lease Block to a depth of 13,639 ft. subsea with 100% Working Interest (WI) and 83.33% Net Revenue Interest (NRI). To date, all identified drilling opportunities on the SM58 lease are above 13,639 feet subsea.

Below 13,639 feet subsea, Byron has a 50% WI (41.67% NRI) under a pre-existing exploration agreement. Additionally, Byron owns a non-operated 53% WI (44.165% NRI) in the associated existing producing assets being the SM69 E Platform and SM58 E1 wellbore.

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