BW hires Zentech for conversion of rig into offshore installation
Houston-based offshore engineering and construction services provider Zentech has been hired by BW Energy to be part of the process which will see BW’s newly acquired jack-up rig converted into an offshore installation for operations offshore Gabon.

Zentech said earlier this week it had been awarded the structural engineering scope for the conversion of a jack-up rig to an offshore installation for BW Energy.
After concluding on an alternative development plan for the Hibiscus/Ruche satellite field in the Dussafu license offshore Gabon, BW Energy has recently bought two sister jack-up rigs, Atla and Balder, from Borr Drilling.
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Exploration & Production
Prior to the acquisition, Zentech carried out an engineering study and survey onboard the jack-up drilling rig Atla as part of an initial study to identify the feasibility of the mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) in the field.
According to BW, the jack-up conversion will enable it to reduce capital investments by about $100 million compared to its previous development plan for the Gabon project.
Zentech said it would carry out all structural engineering for the conversion to an offshore installation (OI) as per the rules and regulations for ABS Classification Society.
Zentech also said that this milestone ensures the unit would receive a state-of-the-art production facility that would help in the advancement of innovative technology in marginal field development.
This will also mark the first deployment of an offshore installation for BW Energy.
The OI will provide the field owner with the capability of having a production facility installation for a significantly reduced cost compared to a traditional platform structure.
This project is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2022.
“We are very excited to work with BW Energy to bring the first of its kind MODU converted OI to West Africa”, said Ramesh Maini, CEO of Zentech Incorporated.