Bureau Veritas approves HHI’s floating LNG power solution

Research & Development

Classification society Bureau Veritas granted approval in principle (AiP) for Hyundai Heavy Industries’ Hi-FL2P, a floating LNG-to-power solution.

Courtesy of Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas approves HHI's floating LNG power solution
Courtesy Bureau Veritas

‘Hi-FL2P’ is an ‘All-in-One Type’ floating LNG power plant where all equipment and systems required for power generation and transmission are installed. The solutions include LNG containment, gas supply system, and the power plant.

The system was developed in a joint development project (JDP) with Bureau Veritas. The project was formally completed with the award of the AIP certificate.

HHI is now anticipating an increasing number of orders for all-in-one type floating LNG power plant and this AIP is an important step in marketability.

Commenting on the AiP, HHI’s chief technical officer, Jae-Eul Kim said the company has selected the barge-shaped power plant with dual-fuel engines due to lower CAPEX than land-based infrastructure. He added that it also supports the global demand for environmentally friendly power generation.