BSH seeks meteorological survey team
Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has issued a contract notice seeking meteorological measurement services at an offshore wind zone in the North Sea.

The aim of the tendered services is to generate the most accurate information possible about the wind conditions in several areas within the N-9 zone identified in BSH’s Site Development Plan 2020.

The measurements will cover wind-related and other meteorological parameters.
The contract covers the preparation of statistics and reports based on the data collected through the measurements.
Two in-situ measurement campaigns are planned to be carried out across four sites within the N-9 zone with two independent measuring devices. The campaigns will have a duration of at least one year.
The measurements will cover wind speed, wind direction, air humidity, air pressure, air temperature, and water temperature.
The contract will start on 1 December 2020 and end on 31 January 2023.
The tender remains open until 10 November. The value of the contract is EUR 1.25 million.
The N-9 zone is divided into four zones each potentially capable of accommodating 1 GW of offshore wind capacity.