BSH seeks meteorological services for North Sea wind zone
Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has issued a tender for meteorological measurement and reporting services at the N-6.7 offshore wind zone in the German North Sea.

BSH plans to carry out a one-year in-situ measurement is planned to enable an assessment of the wind conditions in the area. The measurement concerns wind-related and other meteorological parameters.
Based on the gathered data, the statistics and reports which can be compared with independent reference data are to be compiled. The statistics are to be summarized in the form of a final report.
The aim of the campaign is to generate as precise information as possible about the wind conditions in the N-6.7 area intended for the construction of a wind farm, BSH said.
The contract, valued at around € 800,000, is scheduled to start in June 2020 and be completed by June 2022. There is an option for a 24-month contract renewal.
Interested parties have until 2 June to submit their bids.
Located some 100 kilometres northwest of the island Borkum, the N-6.7 area is expected to support a wind farm with a capacity of up to 270 MW.
If deemed suitable, the N-6.7, and the neighbouring 630 MW N-6.6 area, will be tendered in 2024 and put into operation in 2029.
The two areas were identified in BSH’s Surface Development Plan 2019.