Brand new TMS Cardiff Gas LNG carrier delivered to Total

Image courtesy of TMS Cardiff Gas

Greece-based LNG tanker operator TMS Cardiff Gas has taken delivery of a brand new liquefied natural gas carrier.

“The first of TMS Cardiff Gas’ LNG newbuilding vessels, “La Seine”, was delivered to our company and her charterers Total on Friday 28.02.2020,” TMS Cardiff Gas said in a brief statement.

The vessel built by South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries will be capable of transporting 174,000 cubic meters of the chilled fuel in GTT’s Mark III Flex containment system, according to TMS Cardiff Gas.

Image courtesy of TMS Cardiff Gas

The LNG carrier is equipped with a two-stroke, low-pressure, lean-burn technology X-DF main engine from WinGD.

According to its website, TMS Cardiff Gas currently manages a fleet of 16 LNG carriers out of which 10 more are being built in South Korea and are scheduled for delivery in 2020/2021.


LNG World News Staff